If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

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I was wondering if the next consoles to be released if any company would be useing something othere than fans to cool down the consoles. Well this here shows its possible but is it going to be affordable? Also if they do use another way to cool down the gaming consoles would this spark another problem? I say its worth testing out and see what effects it has on the performance after a long period of time.

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although I dont doubt this situation with this topic. You might wont to think about it for a second. You are able to give your console the 3 rings of death yourself by useing the towel trick. My Xbox has be randomly freezeing over and over. But it didnt get any red lights. So I just did the towel trick anyway. I got the red lights then I turned it off and let it cool down for awhile then turned it back on and I had green lights again. Even though that didnt help the freezeing problem any it d...

6105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear your sitting here discussing GTA 7 when GTA 4 has not even released yet. Get a grip on yourself Dumbo, we shouldnt even be concerned about this especialy at this time. You dont even know if the PS3 will still be a next generation console when this is released. I was not suprised to hear this was a false rumor.

6105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think people think its the end of the world for Microsoft. But they have exclusivity to all Halo content still. So there no one losing anything if anything its Bungie that is gaining something. So thats cool Bungie will be making games for othere platforms. But dont be expecting to see Halo on anything else not owned by MS.

But that is good news still even though the othere companies wont be getting any Halo action anytime soon. They will still be getting some othere creations fr...

6106d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with you man. Now with Sony's price drops I believe the PS3 is giving more offers for its money. M$ is pullin more at your wallet than the PS3 now. But they do have something that is very critical to a gaming console. Which is games, like it or not they do have some of this years hottest games on the console this year. Thats why they are claiming this to be there holiday.

If your a fan of Halo 3 and you know its longivity in its online gameplay. You realy dont care if its ...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats great man! I dont realy need all that space on my console. So thats great that they came out with a 40gb version also. Thats a great deal Sony is offering. But Im personally not going to buy one for awhile. The game I will mostly be playing for quite sometime is going to be Halo 3. Until I want to explore some I want be investing any money to Sony.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember when Halos graphics used to look awesome to me. We came a long way since the original Halo. Wish I could be playing Halo 3 right now but my xbox crapped out on me.. Im hoping to get the new xbox with less failer rates. They will solve the problem sometime hopefully.

Also how many actually own a Mac. I mean would it realy be worth Bungie to make a move to it? I dont see exclusive Halo content for them. I see people play Halo on consoles mostly anyway.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wtf lol..... Ok I would probably pic to play halo 3 in its current graphics than it being put into the gloomy like Killzone 2 graphics. Which Killzone does have awesome graphics and I didnt say sony fans had nothing to look forward to did i? I just said there going to be missing out on Halo 3.

Halo 3 has great graphics most of you are just not on that level of understanding. Like Zelda wind waker it was a total different style but it still had beautiful graphics in its own way. I ...

6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Sings* Oh Oh Oh its magic! You know!! To bad you sony fans wont be playin it because you all blow.

Now I'am pissed at MS cause the damn console mess ups. But as long as I get to play these promised titles like Halo 3 I can forgive them..

Wait wait..... Did I just read Halo 3 looks like Halo 2. Heres your sign... You must not have played the beta dont even lie fanboy I dont have time to read your false stories.

6151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow I cant wait to play Halo 3 again but now the full version. I got my taste in on the Halo 3 beta, It wasn't on its full scale yet but I still enjoyed playing it online. If you enjoyed the beta then you will probably be hooked on the the full version.

Fanboys wont stop complaining until they die with a joystick stuck up there asses. But there crying isnt going to get in the way of my enjoyment of Halo 3. Halo fans are 90% sure this next halo is going to be awesome. Like someone ...

6151d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know what to do when it comes to buying an HD DVD or Bluray. I wish I could get either format and not have to worry about exclusive movies. Because they both have a good hand of exclusives.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol can we ever focus on the games rather than what console is getting it? Hell if your that much into gaming why the hell dont you get all three and stop biotching.

Im so sick of hearing about the consoles I cant even think about the game itself. Can we try to stand around the camp fire for minute and all the gamers just talk about the game for about 2 seconds for starters? I wish there was a zone that the poster could just post news about a game and if anyone post anything a...

6166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I been done with the console bashing. I just got to say just get the first next gen console to release first. To get a head start on the next generation. Then buy the second to release later on down the road because most of the time there isnt going to be as much features on that console as the earlier released one. Then wait for price cuts and better updates for that console. Then you got yourself a deal. After the othere company sees they are loseing pace. They will begin to boost ...

6166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As and Xbox fan still of now I dont have no karma. But the PS3 is not a better console and most likely wont be through this whole year. From past experience I have learned thatyou never know what is going to hit you in the console wars. All the companys try to stay on top of there game and improve. Theres no way if you where to give me any new console for free I would pick the PS3 over the Xbox 360.

May be different for you because you may not have the same interest in games as me....

6169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that maybe it could also be your very own Hard drive messing up not just the Xbox 360. I think some of the hard drives are faulty and are sending errors and also causeing your 360 to freeze on downloadable content when watching videos or playing downloaded demos.

But the 360 isnt going to die. It still has the better games this year so im sticking with it. But as for next year Ill be thinking about buying a PS3. But I wont feel bad about it cause I can get it cheaper or dif...

6169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man if that is true thats the one thing I would love to have. Because being able to chat to only one friend at a time in private chat gets on my nerves. And if what you meant by being able to chat to more than one friend while playing seperate games, thats just awesome. Now why the hell the Xbox 360 seems to refuse to do that I dont know.. But at least tell us why. I can live without a web browser on my console now. But interacting with friends online is my main concern and limiting chat to 2...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can care less about what console has the most exclusives. As long as I have the good games that I'm realy looking forward to I dont care. And your comment with MS not having enough exclusives got me mind bottled lol.. uh huh? You must not bother looking at the the games for the 360 exclusive or not we still got it thats all that matters to me. I could care less if GoW was on the 360 and the PS3 as long as we got it, then its fine with me.

Fire starter look at his bubble limit......

6188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldnt know what you might call me if I say this but, I like what the 360 has to offer more than the PS3 does at the moment. Besides the web browser (which I wouldnt mind having an extra browser to go with my console). But Im not going to pretend I like both console equally and every now and then throw a punch on that console I dont like when no ones looking, just so I look like a super hero othere than a fanboy. Like some of the chosen few. But I just happen to like the 360 over the PS3 r...

6188d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dang my computers busted (still using someone elses now :(...) To add to that my 360 got the ring of death ouch. But even though it does suck I enjoy the games much more on the 360 than the PS3. Im not going to call the PS3 the better console yet. To me its just too soon. With the 360 I have alot more cooler games to choose from than the PS3. But everything has its flaws as they say. And yup I have tooken a punch from this one but at least thier not charging me for the band aids.


6197d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I could hug everybody at Epic I would. I got to say thanks for such a great game! I havent even finished the story yet but I just love the game. They made the game live up to the hype. If the do make another Gears Of War Im not going to even hesitate to grab it.

6435d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment